Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's a GIRL

So we found out today we are having a girl! The sonogram was so much fun to watch compared to the first one we had at 10 weeks. She was moving around doing flips, and moving all her limbs around. It was the cutest thing ever. I will post sono pics but I left them at work. Wayco and I are both really excited for her to come. I know he really wanted a boy, but he seems pretty excited that it's a girl instead. We already have a name picked out that we are sticking with, it's Arlee Grace Westhoff. She's not named after anyone, we just liked the name. It seems as though everything can be completed now. I love to plan things so I am ready to start getting her room started!! Oh, and they moved my due date to July 7th. It was July 10th! Just a few days but i'm cool with it!!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Only 4 more days until we find out if this baby is a girl or boy!! I can hardly wait. Everyone keeps asking and i am so ready to have an answer! So check on Tuesday for the news!!
Finally, I have felt the baby kick! I thought it would feel different, because everyone said it would feel like butterflies, it feels like little thumps to me. It's the wierdest feeling, for a little while I thought I was going to get sick from it. But, now that I have felt it for a week or so I am starting to get used to it, and it's kinda nice to have a little kick every now and then. Like the baby's telling me hi! HAHA

Monday, February 9, 2009

18th Week Check-up

Today's visit to the dr. was to screen me to see if the baby has down syndrome, spina bifida, or any other fetal defects. I won't find out anything for a few days, they usually only call if there is a problem. No news is good news. Also, I got to hear the heartbeat again. The baby was moving around alot, which I still don't know if I can feel yet. Dr. Shaw said it would feel like flutters, but my stomach is always fluttering. While she was listening to the heartbeat we heard the baby kick, and she asked if I felt it but I didn't! So in the next few weeks I should really be able to feel the baby moving around better. On Feb. 24th we get to go in for a sono to find out the sex!! Just two more weeks!! I can't wait!! I know the time will pass quickly bc I have two busy weeks ahead of me.