Saturday, April 2, 2011

Some New Stuff

First off I finally got a bike trailer!  I had been wanting to get one so bad but it hasn't been to nice out yet.  I decided it was time! So I ordered one online yesterday and we got it today!! I was super excited because I had not planned on getting it so quickly, so when the FedEx guy showed up I immediately put it together and we took off.  I had Jayln (my friends daughter) for the day so we got her bike to. I have not rode my bike since right before I got pregnant so it was hard going a long distance keep in mind I had Kinley (my friends other daughter) also and Arlee in the bike trailer. Well Kinley went first because Arlee was a little scared of the whole idea. After she saw Kinley do it she was all about it.  Kinley got out and I took Arlee by herself then, both of them went together. It was so much fun everybody was so happy. If my butt isn't to sore tomorrow I wanna try to take Arlee and Magic together!! hehehe

Here they are!!

Below you can see Arlee got her first big ouchie, she showed it to everyone.  She got it from running to fast outside with her Grandpa.

Arlee is modeling her new pull-ups, she has been doing a good job learning to use the potty so we are starting to use pull-ups during the times we can work on potty training.  The look on her face when she realized they were "big girl panties" was priceless.  She smiled from ear to ear and had to take a picture.  They have the cool sensation when she potties so I hope that doesn't freak her out, haha!