Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Here we are a few weeks shy of being 1 year old, and Arlee is walking! She has been taking a few steps here and there but since Sunday she has started walking more and more.  Crawling is still her fastest way of getting around.  She is learning everything so fast at this age.  Saying Mama, Dada, M-ma (Grandma), Baba, Papa (Grandpa), and maybe a few other words that we can't understand just yet.  She can brush her hair.  The list goes on.  Arlee is a very happy baby most of the time, unless she doesn't get her way or is teething.  There is one thing we are having problems with.  Her napping!!  When we are home with her she takes naps upstairs no problem in her crib, 2 naps for an hour or so.  But when we are gone and my grandma is here with her she can't truck up the stairs with Arlee so we have a pack-n-play downstairs in the play room for her to nap in.  Well guess what she won't sleep in it at all.  Not really sure why.  My G-ma rocks her to sleep then Arlee sleeps on her for about 30 mins or so.  So I am trying to figure out what the deal is here.  I thought maybe it was because it was so light in her downstairs room compared to her room upstairs which is really dark.  Yesterday we made curtains to hang up to darken the room, hopefully that will solve the problem.  If not we may have to buy another crib to put downstairs.  I just want her to get a good nap and for my g-ma to get a break.  No Nap = Fussy Baby!!  Any suggestions???

1 comment:

laura said...

I love Arlee's dress in this pic. Super cute!