Friday, December 12, 2008

First Ultrasound

This week has been really exciting. I had my first appointment on Tuesday. My mom went with me because I knew I was going to get my blood taken, and i'm a huge baby. Everything went just fine, no problems at all, but I did expect to find out more info! Instead I just answered a bunch of questions and had 5 tubes of blood taken!!
Today, Wayco went with me since I knew this appointment would be more exciting. We got to meet the Dr. for the first time. She was really nice, and made us feel really comfortable. Wayco got a little freaked out by all the instruments they use down there to check you out haha. It was good for him because now he will understand more about what women have to go through. I had to get a vaginal ultrasound since I thought I was only almost 9 weeks. Once we began the Dr. said I was actually 10 weeks! That was nice to know. She moved my due date to July 10 instead of the 17th. We also got to hear the heartbeat, that was the neatest part!! Wayco said "that's his heartbeat?" Assuming we are having a boy, haha. Above you can see our pics of the little baby, which is kinda hard to see in the pic, but she showed us where the head was and its body, and you could even see its little arms and legs.
All of this is getting more exciting. I think mainly because I haven't been getting sick that much. Also, getting to go to the Dr. helped me feel more at ease about everything. I just can't wait to find out what we are having!!

1 comment:

Darci said...

More posts please!!!!!!