Friday, November 13, 2009

4 Month Update

Wow, where has the time gone!  Arlee is now 4 months old.  We had her check-up today.  Everything went great, except for the shots.  She hates her shots so much, it makes me so sad to watch them stick her!  So anyway, she is 14lbs 6 oz which is average for her age, 25 1/4 inches which is in the 90%, and her head is 16 3/4 inches which is also in the 90% for her age as well.  We all know she has a huge head.  As far as her development the Dr. said she is doing what a 5 month old is!  That's great, it makes you feel like you are doing a good job when you hear that! We are trying to teach her to eat from a spoon, i mix a little cereal and formula in a bowl.  She doesn't like it and barely eats any, but I figure eventually she will learn. The Dr. gave us the green light to start yellow veggies next month.  I can't wait!  Time for the high-chair!!

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